Saturday, April 22, 2006

Simplicity of the truth

Someone once asked me – Do you know what is Gyan? I didn’t understand her. Ignorantly and thinking ‘smartie me’, I came up with fairly good logical and philosophical answer. She said no – this wasn’t it. I was surprised. For a moment, I was in disbelief. She said Gyan is absence of Agyan. Today, after several months, I have understood it - the simplicity of the truth. Truth is a simple notion, clouded by noise, that may appear rational otherwise. (From another perspective, the question could be generalised to any duality, where one is real, and the other is absence of it, and not really real, for example, light and darkness.)


Anonymous said...

The Truth as we speak might be simply called Gyaan and defined as absense of Agyaan but let not the world forget that its the hardest to adhere to and live-by. Truth brought about two families in direct conflict where cousin faced cousin, teacher faced his student and uncles and nephews faught a mortal battle (MahaBharat). Lord Krishna said that Truth is greater than anything in the world coz truth is God and God is many of us have the courage to call ourselves truthful to our God, our morals, our ethics and above all to ourselves.

Anonymous said...

Another question....Gyaan is Knowledge or is it Truth??
As far as i know Truth is Satya...Budhhism has the best defination on this.

Saket said...

Punya, I fully concur with your view. Wrote some random thoughts on same line at: